Title Services End Date Region
Independent Review of the Science Structure and Function of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. Fisheries Governance 12/31/09 Pacific
MRAG Project Marshall Islands Comprehensive Legislation Review (CU/PE1/SI/10/001) Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis 05/31/11 Pacific
MRAG Project Marshall Islands Comprehensive Legislation Review (CU/PE1/SI/10/001) Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis 05/31/11 Pacific
Refinement and web-enablement of the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels Data and Information Management
Natural Resource Assessment & Management
05/11/07 Pacific
SPRFMO Observer Programme Accreditation Evaluator Observer Programmes
Programme Evaluation and Monitoring
MCS Planning and Review
Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
12/31/23 Pacific
MRAG Project Porco Tallings Dam Burst Environmental Assessment
Simulation Modelling and Statistical Analysis
01/01/96 Latin America
MRAG Project Pilcomayo River Fishery. Status of the Sabalo Fishery and the Potential Impact of Dam Construction Environmental Assessment
Renewable Energies
06/01/93 Latin America
MRAG Project Lower Amazon Technical Meeting Fisheries Governance 09/12/94 Latin America
Fisheries assessment post Navion Gothenburg oil spill Spill Response and Impact Assessment
Environment and Climate Change
10/31/17 Latin America
Establishment of a Programme for Transhipment by Large-Scale Vessels in the IOTC Convention Area Observer Programmes 12/31/17 Indian Ocean
Acoustic and Exploratory Dropline Surveys Survey Design, Implementation and Analysis
Environmental Assessment
12/23/13 Indian Ocean
MRAG Project Feasibility Study for an Indian Ocean Tuna Tagging Programme (RTTP) (including further services) MCS Training and Implementation
Resource Assessment
Survey Design, Implementation and Analysis
Resource Management Planning and Implementation
02/10/04 Indian Ocean
MRAG Project Monitoring, Control and Surveillance of large pelagics in the Indian Ocean MCS Training and Implementation
MCS Planning and Review
Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
01/23/08 Indian Ocean
Scientific and technical advice for the management of maritime waters in British Indian Overseas Territory (BIOT) MCS Training and Implementation
Resource Assessment
Survey Design, Implementation and Analysis
Data and Information Management
MCS Planning and Review
Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
12/31/22 Indian Ocean
BIOT Offshore observer programme Observer Programmes 05/31/09 Indian Ocean
MRAG Project BIOT Attendance at Additional Scientific Meetings Data and Information Management 05/31/09 Indian Ocean
MRAG Project BIOT Inshore fisheries Resource Assessment
Resource Management Planning and Implementation
Data and Information Management
03/31/10 Indian Ocean
British Indian Ocean Territory Inshore Fisheries Management Observer Programmes 01/16/14 Indian Ocean
Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) for British Indian Ocean Territories (BIOT) MCS Training and Implementation
Vessel Monitoring Systems
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
MCS Planning and Review
12/01/11 Indian Ocean
Strengthening management of the British Indian Ocean Territory MPA Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis
Resource Management Planning and Implementation
Marine Spatial Planning
12/31/10 Indian Ocean
MRAG Project Sea Cucumber Stock Assessment in the Seychelles Resource Assessment 09/30/12 Indian Ocean
Establishment of a Programme for Transhipment by Large-Scale Vessels in the Convention Area of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Programme Development
Observer Programmes
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
MCS Planning and Review
12/31/11 Indian Ocean
Indian Ocean Bycatch Observer Programme Observer Programmes 03/09/12 Indian Ocean
Bigeye tuna species Stock Assessment in Mauritius EEZ (CU/PE1/MZ/10/007) Resource Assessment 05/31/11 Indian Ocean