This project was a continuation of previous work on UK cuttlefish and whelk fisheries conducted by MRAG for the Blue Marine Foundation. MMO fisheries landings and value data for key UK non-quota species were compiled from all existing data sources to produce a range of MS Excel spreadsheet suitable for further analysis, where required by the Blue Marine Foundations and extendable for incorporation of future data when available. Outputs would be consistent with previous MRAG reports on both cuttlefish and whelk.
Data were analysed initially for four main non-quota species (cuttlefish, whelk, edible crab and European lobster). Data were presented as a series of figures and tables consistent with previous MRAG reports that show landings and value from 2013-2022 broken down by:
In addition specific landings and value data were prevented for ten species landed within Sussex IFCA district, again expandable to all IFCAs where required. The ten species chosen were: