The project goal was to propose a strategy, to the Délégation à la Surveillance de la pêche et au contrôle en mer) Mauritania (DSPCM) and Kreditanstalt Für Wiederaufbau (KfW), for the improvement (both efficiency and efficacy) of MCS surveillance operations within the Mauritanian EEZ.  The current surveillance means (VMS, radar, other technologies) and units (vessels, aircraft, manpower) were evaluated along with estimates for the requirements for the fisheries and fleets operating in the Mauritanian EEZ. 

A proposed plan for improvements and additional means and units throughout DSPCM and other bodies involved in surveillance was laid out.  This study included:

•Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) technical assessment

•Design of MCS pilot studies

•Improvements to land, sea and air based surveillance units

•Training of surveillance staff and improvements to communications within DSPCM

The project involved country visits and the submission of technical and final repo

Name of Client

Kreditanstalt Für Wiederaufbau (KFW) / DSPCM (Délégation à la Surveillance de la pêche et au contrôle en mer) Mauritania

Project Dates


