The impact assessment of the proposals for the 2012 reform of the CFP was conducted in two phases. Phase I, undertaken between October and December 2009, reviewed the current performance of the CFP and assessed the impact of a continuation of status quo policy, i.e. a continuation through the period 2012 to 2022 without any change in policy beyond that initiated in the 2002 reform and further elaborated into legislation since that time. Phase II was undertaken between February and April 2010 and examined the impact of three policy options set out by the EU; two new policies and one modified status quo. 

Alongside these comprehensive examinations of the impact assessment of the CFP reform for the EU as a whole, four regions were selected for very specific examination. The objective of the analysis was to understand whether the general conclusions of the IA for the EU as a whole were appropriate for four regions where fishing is of very high economic and social importance; Galicia, Brittany, Sicily and Scotland. The first three of these are EU NUTS 2 regions, but the latter is larger than this, comprising four NUTS 2 regions: Eastern Scotland, South Western Scotland, North Eastern Scotland and Highlands and Islands.

Specific tasks included, for each of the four regions:

  • Collate baseline recent data/trends and information relevant to the examination of the CFP

  • Analyse the institutional/decision-making process against current objectives of the CFP

  • Examine likely change of recent policy initiatives entering info force before the 2012 reform regarding IUU and Control Regulation, discards policy, LTMP, DCF, Better regulation and simplification and Governance (Lisbon treaty)

  • Define indicators and set up an analytical framework to analyse impacts of both status quo and other policy options identified by the EC

  • Examine possible impacts over a ten year horizon (2012-2017-2022) of pursuing status quo and other policy options

Name of Client

European Commission-DG MARE

Project Dates

