The purpose of the project was to apply the methodology developed in Specific Contract 04 under Framework Contract n° FISH/2006/09 Lot 4 to each additional option for CFP reform as defined by the Commission.
The following tasks have been defined in the TORs: collate updated data/trends that could improve the baseline for the analysis of each of the additional options for reform, with regard to that collated and used in Specific Contract 04; review, and if required or necessary, modify the indicators and methodology agreed with the Commission under contract Specific Contract 04 concerning the Status Quo option; examine the possible impacts, over a ten-year horizon (2012-2017-2022) of pursuing each of the additional options for CFP reform; : in the light of the revised data/trends, methodology and indicators, and in view of impacts of each of the alternative options analyzed under this specific contract, examine the necessity of revisiting the analysis and/or conclusions concerning the Status Quo option; summary of results and Report writing; support the Commission regarding the overall Impact Assessment process.