The study examined the impact, setting and structure of a Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA) with responsibility for a Joint Inspection Structure (JIS). It was proposed to pool into the JIS, national means of inspection and surveillance of fishing activities for the purpose of deployment in accordance with Community inspection and surveillance strategies. It was also proposed that the CFCA would have direct responsibility for the execution of JIS tasks, operational duties, other advisory duties, as well as financial responsibility for the budget allocated to it by the Community.

The CFCA’s operational duties support deployment of national means of inspection and surveillance by additional contracted means of inspection for the purpose of joint inspection and surveillance initiatives. This may extend, subject to MemberState approval, to deployment of additional means of inspection and surveillance where specific international or national weaknesses are identified. It was not proposed that the CFCA will replace the duties of national inspections (as defined in Articles 1- of EC Regulation 2847/93) nor be a substitute for the Commission’s responsibility of monitoring compliance with the control regulation, nor be a substitute for the advice forthcoming Expert Group on Fisheries Control (the Management Committee). The Commission was expected, following advice from the Management Committee to set the CFCA’s priorities, benchmarks and inspection routines.

Activities undertaken under this project included:

  •       Drafting of official EC Council Regulation for CFCA
  •       Detailed MCS analysis across the Community (including Accession states)
  •       Detailed assessment of cost effectiveness and technical analysis of cooperative action in fisheries surveillance and     inspection across the Community (including Accession states)
  •      Frequent meetings, technical reporting and presentations with DG FISH.

Name of Client

DG FISH, European Commission

Project Dates



All Member and Accession States to the European Community