As part of the dissemination of findings from the DFID-funded Fisheries Management Science Programme (FMSP), a series of policy briefs summarising the key messages were developed and produced by MRAG Ltd. The topics covered were:

  1. Fisheries and Poverty Reduction
  2. Fisheries and Economic Growth
  3. Fisheries and Food Security
  4. Fisheries and Livelihoods
  5. Fisheries and Governance

These were complemented by  further policy briefs on:

  1. Fisheries and International Trade
  2. Fisheries and Access Agreements
  3. Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fisheries
  4. Fisheries and Subsidies

The policy briefs were written to be accessible to a non-specialist audience, presenting the complex issues involved in a clear and concise manner. These policy briefs have been particularly useful for DFID and others in raising the profile of fisheries and raising the awareness of policy-makers and decision-makers in fisheries and other sectors around the world.

Name of Client

Department For International Development (DFID)

Project Dates

