The Marine Management Organisation commissioned this project to contribute to their evidence base on the ability of marine uses to co-exist and co-locate. The project reviewed recent evidence to update an existing marine use comparability matrix, incorporating new and emerging activities including floating offshore wind and seaweed aquaculture. The intention of the matrix was to provide a steer to marine planners on the level of engagement or intervention required to aid co-location, ground-truthed through stakeholder engagement. For a number of marine activities identified as requiring quite high levels of planning intervention, the drivers behind possible conflict were examined using a series of PESTLE analyses (Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Legal, and Environmental considerations). a further five in depth case studies linked to experiences within English waters where possible explored co-location conflicts, considering spatial and non-spatial issues and possible prevention, minimization or mitigation attempts. The learnings from each stage were drawn together to provide evidence based guidance and recommendations to optimise use of the English marine space sustainably.

Name of Client

Marine Management Organisation (MMO)

Project Dates



United Kingdom