The Adriatic small pelagic fishery for anchovies and sardines has been studied by IRPEM since 1975, and in collaboration with MRAG it has completed a number of EC study projects on this fishery since 1991. This project drew together the results obtained from these many years of study. Scope of work for this project included:

  1. To assess the affect of increasing market globalisation and therefore the influence on the Adriatic fishery of landings and prices in the other main European Union small pelagic (anchovy) fisheries (Bay of Biscay, North West Mediterranean, North Aegean);
  2. To develop an integrated bioeconomic model of the fishery that incorporates biological dynamics, the relationship between market price and landings, and decisions of fishermen and of the fishing fleet regarding levels of effort expended and gears used.
  3. To use the bioeconomic model to predict the effect of potential changes in the market supply of small pelagic fish, both locally, regionally and in the wider EU;
  4. To provide guidelines for future management strategies for  small pelagic fisheries, taking account of both biological and economical factors.
  5. To assess the relationship between quality of product, quantity landed and price in the small pelagic fishery (anchovy and sardines) of the Adriatic;

Name of Client

European Commission

Project Dates



Italy/ Adriatic