The objectives of this project were to undertake a comprehensive feasibility study for the implementation of a large scale tuna tagging programme in the tropical Indian Ocean, the overarching objective to strengthen regional management of tropical tuna for regional states and to provide sufficient analysis and justification for the member states of the IOC, the IOTC and the European Commission to accept, modify or reject the proposed Programme.

Phases of the study involved country visits to the IOC member states, where structured interviews, comprehensive analysis were carried out with the prominent players and stakeholders in: regional and national scientific bodies, governments, industrial and downstream sectors, ship owners associations and EU Delegations. Final Report presentations and Technical workshops, in both the EC and Mauritius, occurred at the close of the project composing representatives from regional states, research institutes and regional economic integration organizations.  Work followed the EC guidelines for project cycle management and also involved, on request of the Commission, the construction of the EC financing proposal for presentation to the EDF committee.

Further tasks under this project involved the drafting of the Terms of Reference and Contract documents (tender dossier) for the chartering of vessels and the contracting of staff and technical assistance, under three Lots.

Name of Client


Project Dates



Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros, La Reunion, Madagascar, SPC, South Pacific, Spain