To develop, test and promote appropriate and cost-effective generic data collection methodologies and information sharing mechanisms to improve understanding and the co-management of capture and enhancement fishery resources important to the livelihoods of the poor.

With an emphasis upon participatory research involving key stakeholders at all levels of management, but particularly poor fishers, the project aimed, through consultation, discussion and negotiation, to identify and develop cost-effective (participatory) data collection and sharing mechanisms to improve understanding and the (co-) management of capture and enhancement fishery resources important to the livelihoods of the poor.  Opportunities existed to field-test and evaluate appropriate mechanisms with local stakeholders involved in established co-managed fisheries and evolving co-management programmes.  Immediate uptake of project outputs by target beneficiaries was expected during the life of the project. Further uptake promotion was sought with field guides, reports and papers disseminated via collaborators websites, mailing lists and international conferences.

*NB: Integrated LakeManagement Project (ILM), Commissioner for Fisheries, Department of Fisheries Resources;

Community-Based Fisheries Management (CBFM) Project, The World Fish Centre (formerly ICLARM);

Mekong River Commission (MRC), with national stakeholders, including DoF staff, from Laos PDR, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand;

Regional Fisheries Information System for SADC;

Fisheries Department, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

Name of Client

Department For International Development (DFID)

Project Dates



Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Uganda, Tanzania