The Financing Agreement supporting PROCFish stipulated that both the Coastal and Oceanic components of the programme be subject to a joint independent evaluation in the third year of implementation; representing a final evaluation in the case of the Oceanic component and a mid-term evaluation of the Coastal component. It was intended that this evaluation review would constitute a mid-term (year 3) evaluation of PROCFish/C and a final evaluation of PROCFish/O. In the event, an evaluation of PROCFish/O was completed (by MRAG) in early in 2005. 

The mid-term evaluation of PROCFish/C was therefore independent of any further review of PROCFish/O.  The main output of PROCFish/C was: 'the first ever comparative assessment of the status of reef fisheries resources and fishing practice and management in all 8 Pacific ACP countries and 3 French OCTs, using a standardised methodology.'  The project was launched, along with PROCFish/O on 1st March 2002 and is due for completion on the 28th February 2007. 

The specific requirements of the mid-term evaluation were to:

(i) assess the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of PROCFISH (C) project towards meeting the overall objective of contributing to the long-term sustainable management of the fisheries resources of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean;

(ii) assess the validity of the original project design and recommend improvements; and

(iii) assess the extent to which the expected benefits are being achieved; assess the extent to which the results of the Project can be sustainably maintained by SPC.

Name of Client

Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

Project Dates


