The goal of the project was to explore how data from Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) on fishing vessels can be processed, stored, analysed and integrated into existing data sources to enable wider impact across the UK government.  The project worked with Marine Management Organisation (MMO), Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) to identify what the requirements would be for the integration REM data.  

Three cases study fisheries that did not have REM in place where identified, and requirement catalogues and dataflow diagrams were developed showing the potential flows of REM data. Information was collected from a combination of an online survey and a series of follow up interviews.   Data flow diagrams were also developed for comparable fisheries operating with established REM from around the world. A workshop was held with representatives from the all the project participants, the data flows diagrams were verified and the requirement identified where prioritised, and where possible solutions suggested for how the requirements may be met.   Following the work shop a generic data flow diagram was developed for REM data, and a series of recommendation developed on how to meet the requirements identified during the project.    

Name of Client

Marine Management Organisation (MMO)

Project Dates



United Kingdom