A coalition of NGO’s (The Environmental Justice Foundation, Oceana, The Pew Charitable Trusts and WWF) Commissioned a study to provide a technical report that they could use to help inform how the EU IUU regulation catch certificates could be modernised , particularly with the view of creating and EU wide Catch certificate information system.

The study started with an investigation of how the current information systems are used in MS, and what the stakeholder requirements would be for EU wide catch certificate system. Using questionnaires, interviews, document analysis and systems analysis. The resulting requirements catalogue was examined against the existing TRACES systems that is used for sanitary requirements on intra-EU trade and importation of animals, semen and embryo, food, feed and plants. The TRACES systems is expected to form the basisis of an EU wide catch certificate system and gaps between the functionally of the TRACES system and the requirements were identified and recommendations made as to how the gaps could be filled.

Name of Client

Environmental Justice Foundation

Project Dates



Belgium; EU