MRAG has undertaken biodiversity assessments on a diverse range of living resources from fish, crustacean, and mollusc species to terrestrial livestock. Ecosystems measured have been of all sizes from small tropical island fisheries in the Pacific and Caribbean, with artisanal fisheries and low fishing capacities, to industrial operations, where catches exceed 750,000 tonnes. MRAG has provided assessments and analyses of localised site biodiversity and community composition of species for a number of different bodies, including policy makers and private industry clients, and has provided data to increase available species and habitat data in a wide range of habitats through;

  • Development and analysis of integrated assessment techniques and biodiversity indicators;
  • Application of specialised techniques and equipment for monitoring and applying biodiversity indicators in pilot demonstration cases;
  • Development and implementation of information systems;
  • Stakeholder assessments and communication; and
  • short-term and long-term In-situ monitoring taking into account seasonality, anthropogenic activity and fishing management regimes

MRAG also recognises that biodiversity maintenance requires integrated management strategies involving monitoring the aquatic and environmental response to current and future impacts of anthropogenic activities. Our highly qualified consultants have evaluated effectiveness of current policies, monitoring measures and methods and Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) and have provided advice to organisations including the European Commission (EC) pertaining to halting biodiversity loss. Project work has included the development of standardized biodiversity monitoring protocols and work towards the harmonisation of reporting between biodiversity-related conventions at the global level.


Title Region End Date
NEOM Marine Conservation Red Sea

The objective of the NEOM Marine Conservation Strategy was to develop a strategy for…

Middle East -
MRAG Project The management of Scotland’s seal populations

The purpose of this work was to provide a robust analysis and synthesis of the…

Europe -
Image by Quang Nguyen vinh from Pixabay Coordinated assessments of marine species and habitats under the Birds and Habitats Directives and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

The study aim was to support the Commission’s work to better coordinate assessments of…

Europe -
Image by M. Maggs from Pixabay Co-designing the principles for defining low impact fishing

The United Kingdom (UK) seafood fishing industry, despite its importance to both the…

Europe -
Study on mitigation measures to minimise seabird bycatch in gillnet fisheries

The main objective of the study was to identify technical solutions, both economically…

Europe -
Climate Resilience, Livelihoods and sustainable Natural Resources Management in the Elephant Marshes

This project was conducted under the umbrella of the World Bank/Global Environment…

Africa -
Preparation of the mid-term review of EU biodiversity strategy

The main task of this project is to support the evaluation of the implementation of…

South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Fisheries Management.

The work undertaken by MRAG for Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich…

Atlantic Ocean -
Fish biodiversity survey of Mabole/Tabai and Rokel/Seli Rivers

This project assessed the potential environmental impacts on the fish communities of…

Africa -
MRAG Project Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project: Baseline fish survey

An environmental assessment was conducted on the Bumbuna Hydroelectric scheme in 1996…

Africa -
MRAG Project Tonle Sap Sustainable Livelihoods Project

The Tonle Sap Great Lake is important to the economy of Cambodia, and essential to the…

Asia -
MRAG Project Support to assessment of progress of halting biodiversity loss with respect to the marine environment for the EEA 2005 State of the Environment and Outlook Report (EEA)

The European Environment Agency (EEA) publishes a report every five years on the state…

Europe -
GEF Pollution control and other measures to protect biodiversity in Lake Tanganyika.

Lake Tanganyika is an international water body that is an important resource for the…

Africa -