
Project Title Region Start
MRAG Project Jamuna Bridge Project - Independent review Panel, Environment and Resettlement Aspects Asia
EU fisheries management data flows Dockside Monitoring and Seafood Traceability in the EU Asia
Review of Impacts of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing on Developing Countries in Asia Asia
MRAG Project Best practice approaches in sustainable livelihoods in fisheries in Chennai, India Asia
MRAG Project Taking RNRRS Research into Use 1: Improving floodplain management through adaptive learning networks in Bangladesh Asia
MRAG Project Review of Rural Coastal Fisheries Development Project in Papua New Guinea Asia
MRAG Project Oluvil Tuna Fisheries Port Project Asia
MRAG Project Adaptive Learning Approaches to Fisheries Enhancement Asia
MRAG Project Tonle Sap Sustainable Livelihoods Project Asia
MRAG Project Developing a Regional Agreement for Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Asia
Evaluation and Uptake Promotion of Data Collection Guidelines for Co-Managed Fisheries Asia
Management information systems on the Fisheries Sector of Bangladesh Asia
Floodplain Action Plan (FAP) 17: Bangladesh ; Review Mission Asia
Third Fisheries Project, Bangladesh Asia
MRAG Project The use of sluice gates for stock enhancement and diversification of livelihoods Asia
MRAG Project Analysis of Ecologically Sustainable Development implications of alternative management scenarios for the Australian Northern Prawn fishery: Measures of ESD Impacts Asia
MRAG Project Assessment of alternative approaches to implementing Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQs) in the Australian Northern Prawn Fishery Asia
MRAG Project Research into the problems of illegal fishing in SE Asia Asia
MRAG Project Catch simulations and sustainability of the southern bluefin tuna (SBT) fishery. Asia
MRAG Project Quota and licence allocation mechanisms and their implications for resource rent. Asia