
Title Region End Date
MRAG Project Sustainability of trawling on soft bottom habitats

This study aims to determine whether trawl fisheries on soft bottoms have the…

Workshop on UK Overseas Territories activities associated with UK obligations under ICCAT

The UK is a member of the International Convention on the Conservation of Atlantic…

Atlantic Ocean
MRAG Project Support to UK Department for International Development (DFID) Fisheries Policy Programme – Policy Briefs on Fisheries

As part of the dissemination of findings from the DFID-funded Fisheries Management…

Assistance to DEFRA and DfID with planning future work and implementation of the recommendations of the High Seas Task Force on IUU fishing.

The OECD-based secretariat ceased to exist from 31 March 2006. To ensure that there…

MRAG Project Assessing the impact of Fisheries Management Science Programme (FMSP) research

As the Department for International Development (DFID) bilateral research programmes…

MRAG Project Synthesis of FMSP experience and lessons learned for fisheries co-management

This project collated lessons learned and experiences on co-management from a number…

MRAG Project Feasibility Study for an Indian Ocean Tuna Tagging Programme (RTTP) (including further services)

The objectives of this project were to undertake a comprehensive feasibility study for…

Indian Ocean
GEF Pollution control and other measures to protect biodiversity in Lake Tanganyika.

Lake Tanganyika is an international water body that is an important resource for the…

MRAG Project Fisheries Management Assistance - MMR Eritrea

MRAG was employed through the Department for International Development (DFID) to…

MRAG Project Quota and licence allocation mechanisms and their implications for resource rent.

A report was produced that focussed on the mechanisms for the allocation of access…

Third Fisheries Project, Bangladesh

The Overseas Development Administration (ODA, now DfID) of the UK Government funded a…

Management information systems on the Fisheries Sector of Bangladesh

The project aimed to identify actions required to improve upon the existing collection…

Floodplain Action Plan (FAP) 17: Bangladesh ; Review Mission

The Flood Action Plan of the Government of Bangladesh [GOB] was developed following…
