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Project Title Region Start
MRAG Project DFID fisheries and aquaculture scoping review Europe
MRAG Project Discards from the Adriatic small pelagic fishery Europe
MRAG Project Editing work for the European Environment Agency Europe
MRAG Project EU Framework: Legal Studies Related to Maritime Affairs. Lot 2, WP6 Legal analysis of navigation Regimes in the Arctic (Russia, Norway, Iceland, Canada, US) Europe
MRAG Project EU Framework: Studies in the field of the Common Fisheries Policy and Maritime Affiars No Fish/2006/09 : Lot 2 Legal Studies Related to Maritime Affairs Europe
MRAG Project Evaluation of DFID (Department for International Development, UK) support for sustainable agriculture) Europe
Evidential Value of Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) Europe
Feasibility study on applying a spatial footprint approach to quantifying fishing pressure. Europe
Field Study to assess some mitigation measures to reduce by-catch of marine turtles in surface long line fisheries (FISH/2005/28) Europe
Framework Contract for evaluation and impact assessment, Lot 3: International Dimension of the CFP Europe
FRAMEWORK CONTRACT for services related to coordination between the different marine regions in implementing the ecosystem approach Europe
Global IUU monitoring network and UK IUU Action Plan Europe
MRAG Project House of Commons IUU Media Event Europe
MRAG Project How to strengthen national, sub-regional and regional institutions and policies to better address developing countries needs (in respect of the UN Agreement on Straddling and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks) Europe
ICCAT Regional Observer Programme for Bluefin Tuna (ROP-BFT) Europe
MRAG Project Identifying and supporting Blue Growth projects in emerging sectors Europe
Image by simone saponetto from Pixabay Improving environmental sustainability of deep sea fisheries with emphasis on the conservation of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) Europe
Interim evaluation on the implementation and impacts of Council Regulation (EC) establishing a Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing Europe
MRAG Project International Council for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) Bluefin Tuna Farm Regional Observer Programme Europe
Investigation on the implications of different reef fish life history strategies on fisheries management Europe
Investigation on the implications of different reef fish life history strategies on fisheries management Europe
Map UK NEAFC Registerd Ports IUU Documentation and Controls Europe
Legal Marine Data infrastructure Europe
MRAG Project Lot 4: An analysis of existing Rights Based Management (RBM) instruments in Member States and on setting up best practices in the EU (FISH/2007/03) Europe