Title Services End Date Region
MRAG Project Seafood trading on the internet Institutional Analysis, Development and Capacity Building 02/01/00 - 05/31/00 Global
MRAG Project Discards from the Adriatic small pelagic fishery Simulation Modelling and Statistical Analysis 06/01/98 - 05/31/00 Europe
GEF Pollution control and other measures to protect biodiversity in Lake Tanganyika. Biodiversity
Programme Management
Survey Design, Implementation and Analysis
Resource Management Planning and Implementation
Environmental Assessment
Data and Information Management
Community Based and co-management 
Protected, Endangered and Threatened Species
Environment and Climate Change
05/01/95 - 05/01/00 Africa
MRAG Project Fisheries Management Assistance - MMR Eritrea Resource Management Planning and Implementation 09/23/96 - 09/22/99 Africa
MRAG Project Quota and licence allocation mechanisms and their implications for resource rent. Resource Management Planning and Implementation 11/19/98 - 02/25/99 Asia
Third Fisheries Project, Bangladesh Programme Management
Programme Evaluation and Monitoring
Resource Management Planning and Implementation
03/01/92 - 12/31/97 Asia
MRAG Project Policy issues paper on the sustainable management of marine resources (with particular reference to fisheries) Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis 03/01/96 - 03/29/96 Europe
MRAG Project Jamuna Bridge Project - Independent review Panel, Environment and Resettlement Aspects Resource Assessment
Programme Evaluation and Monitoring
01/01/96 - 01/02/96 Asia
MRAG Project Porco Tallings Dam Burst Environmental Assessment
Simulation Modelling and Statistical Analysis
01/01/96 Latin America
MRAG Project Eritrea – Environmental Law Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis 09/01/94 - 03/28/95 Africa
Management information systems on the Fisheries Sector of Bangladesh Survey Design, Implementation and Analysis
Resource Management Planning and Implementation
Data and Information Management
01/05/95 - 01/09/95 Asia
MRAG Project Ministry of Marine Resources : Cooperation on Fisheries Development Institutional Analysis, Development and Capacity Building 03/01/94 - 11/30/94 Africa
MRAG Project Lower Amazon Technical Meeting Fisheries Governance 09/09/93 - 09/12/94 Latin America
MRAG Project Pilcomayo River Fishery. Status of the Sabalo Fishery and the Potential Impact of Dam Construction Environmental Assessment
Renewable Energies
04/01/93 - 06/01/93 Latin America
Floodplain Action Plan (FAP) 17: Bangladesh ; Review Mission Resource Management Planning and Implementation 01/06/92 - 01/04/93 Asia