Andrew Watson

Associate Consultant

As a Consultant at MRAG, Andrew has become highly experienced in the coordination and implementation of scientific observer programmes in major fisheries around the World. He has extensive at-sea experience and is currently an integral part of the MRAG observer management team with a particular focus on the CCAMLR toothfish programmes where he has worked previously as an observer. He also assists with the coordinating other programmes, the ICCAT and IOTC Regional Observer Programmes, the IOTC Regional Observer Scheme and the ICCAT programme monitoring Mediterranean bluefin tuna. He has previously managed the observer programme for European Union vessels operating in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) regional area, for MRAG. Andrew has extensive experience of tuna longline and purse seine fleets, having operated as senior scientific observer and Senior Fisheries Protection Officer (SFPO) in the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) and currently provides technical and practical advice on enforcement, monitoring, control and surveillance within the BIOT Conservation Management Plan. In addition, Andrew is a qualified teacher of science and biology, having taught for a number of years in both public and state secondary sectors to Advanced Level and is involved in the development and coordination of MRAG’s fisheries observer training programmes.