Title Services End Date Region
MRAG Project Review of Rural Coastal Fisheries Development Project in Papua New Guinea Programme Evaluation and Monitoring
Social Development
09/01/04 - 10/01/04 Asia
MRAG Project The use of sluice gates for stock enhancement and diversification of livelihoods Resource Assessment 10/01/02 - 09/30/04 Asia
Study of the impact and feasibility of the setting up of a joint inspection structure based on a Community Fisheries Control Agency Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance 12/01/03 - 08/31/04 Europe
MRAG Project Iraq Marshlands Restoration Project Resource Assessment
Natural Resource Assessment & Management
02/01/04 - 05/01/04 Middle East
Investigation on the implications of different reef fish life history strategies on fisheries management Simulation Modelling and Statistical Analysis 04/01/01 - 03/31/04 Europe
Investigation on the implications of different reef fish life history strategies on fisheries management Natural Resource Assessment & Management 04/01/01 - 03/31/04 Europe
MRAG Project How to strengthen national, sub-regional and regional institutions and policies to better address developing countries needs (in respect of the UN Agreement on Straddling and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks) Institutional Analysis, Development and Capacity Building 11/04/02 - 02/28/04 Europe
MRAG Project Feasibility Study for an Indian Ocean Tuna Tagging Programme (RTTP) (including further services) MCS Training and Implementation
Resource Assessment
Survey Design, Implementation and Analysis
Resource Management Planning and Implementation
08/15/02 - 02/10/04 Indian Ocean
MRAG Project SADC Regional Fisheries Information Systems (RFIS) Institutional Analysis, Development and Capacity Building 07/15/00 - 12/31/03 Africa
Evidential Value of Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) Vessel Monitoring Systems
Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
05/01/03 - 10/31/03 Europe
MRAG Project Analysis to determine licence fee levels for the offshore tuna fleets Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis 05/01/03 - 07/31/03 Africa
Assessment of the Community financial contribution for the implementation of the control, inspection and surveillance systems applicable to the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) Resource Assessment 05/01/03 - 07/31/03 Europe
MRAG Project Review of the origins and appropriateness of the current fish stock assessment and management areas for the waters around Ireland. Resource Assessment 04/01/02 - 03/31/03 Europe
MRAG Project Improving water management for tropical river fisheries Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis
Environmental Economics
Natural Resource Assessment & Management
01/01/02 - 01/01/03 Global
MRAG Project The use of recovery plans to rebuild depleted fish stocks - a review Resource Assessment 03/18/02 - 12/16/02 Europe
MRAG Project Oluvil Tuna Fisheries Port Project Resource Assessment 08/01/02 - 09/12/02 Asia
MRAG Project Adaptive Learning Approaches to Fisheries Enhancement Social Development 01/01/99 - 06/30/02 Asia
Provision and Management of Fisheries Observers to the NAFO Regulatory Area Observer Programmes 03/01/95 - 03/11/02 Europe
MRAG Project A strategy for the long term optimisation of the Mauritanian fisheries control and surveillance system Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance 01/07/01 - 02/28/02 Africa
MRAG Project Interdisciplinary Multivariate Analysis (IMA) for Adaptive Co-Management Simulation Modelling and Statistical Analysis
Community Based and co-management 
01/10/00 - 01/31/02 Africa
MRAG Project Coherence between Fisheries Agreements and EC Country Development Programmes Institutional Analysis, Development and Capacity Building 04/01/01 - 11/01/01 Global
MRAG Project Evaluation of DFID (Department for International Development, UK) support for sustainable agriculture) Survey Design, Implementation and Analysis 11/15/00 - 08/30/01 Europe
MRAG Project The status of hake fisheries off western Africa and the role played by subsidised fishing fleets Resource Assessment 12/01/00 - 06/30/01 Africa
MRAG Project Cod Recovery Observer Programme Haddock Fishery, Irish Sea - ICES VIIa Observer Programmes 02/07/01 - 03/23/01 Europe