Title Services End Date Region
MRAG Project Support to UK Department for International Development (DFID) Fisheries Policy Programme – Policy Briefs on Fisheries Resource Management Planning and Implementation 03/31/04 - 08/21/08 Global
Implementation of a Fisheries Management Plan for Lake Victoria Resource Assessment
Community Based and co-management 
07/01/04 - 07/01/08 Africa
MRAG Project Environmental Assessment in Lake Volta, Ghana Resource Assessment
Environmental Assessment
11/01/07 - 06/30/08 Africa
MRAG Project Research into the problems of illegal fishing in SE Asia Fisheries Governance
Environmental Economics
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
Governance, Policy and Economics
12/01/07 - 06/27/08 Asia
MRAG Project Social impacts of introducing fisheries certification schemes and standards into developing countries Fishery Improvement Projects 11/01/07 - 04/30/08 Global
MRAG Project Study and analysis of the IUU fishing situation in the SADC region and an estimate of the economic, social and biological impact of this situation Fisheries Governance
Environmental Economics
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
Simulation Modelling and Statistical Analysis
03/01/08 - 04/30/08 Africa
MRAG Project Scoping the potential benefits of undertaking an ecosystem assessment for England Resource Assessment
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Economics
12/18/07 - 03/14/08 Europe
Global IUU monitoring network and UK IUU Action Plan Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing 05/01/06 - 02/28/08 Europe
MRAG Project Implications of international trade standards and Certification Schemes for Aquaculture on Small Scale producers Aquaculture
Research and Review into Certification Systems
12/21/07 - 01/31/08 Global
MRAG Project DEFRA/SEERAD Days at Sea Observer Derogation Programme Observer Programmes 10/01/07 - 01/31/08 Europe
Field Study to assess some mitigation measures to reduce by-catch of marine turtles in surface long line fisheries (FISH/2005/28) Resource Assessment
Survey Design, Implementation and Analysis
Protected, Endangered and Threatened Species
07/05/06 - 01/25/08 Europe
MRAG Project Monitoring, Control and Surveillance of large pelagics in the Indian Ocean MCS Training and Implementation
MCS Planning and Review
Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
01/21/05 - 01/23/08 Indian Ocean
MRAG Project Catch simulations and sustainability of the southern bluefin tuna (SBT) fishery. Resource Assessment 01/01/06 - 10/31/07 Asia
Using White-, Gray- and Blacklists to combat IUU fishing Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing 10/01/07 - 10/31/07 Europe
MRAG Project Scoping study for algae production in Morocco Environmental Assessment 09/24/07 - 10/13/07 Africa
MRAG Project Assessment of alternative approaches to implementing Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQs) in the Australian Northern Prawn Fishery Fisheries Governance
Natural Resource Assessment & Management
06/10/07 - 09/30/07 Asia
MRAG Project Attendance at the High Seas Task Force Workshop on Measuring RFMO Performance and Flag State Performance Criteria Institutional Analysis, Development and Capacity Building 10/07/05 - 09/26/07 Global
MRAG Project Strategic planning for CCAMLR and South Georgia Fisheries Governance
Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis
03/01/07 - 07/31/07 Atlantic Ocean
MRAG Project House of Commons IUU Media Event Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing 03/01/07 - 05/31/07 Europe
MRAG Project The impact of EU commercial fisheries policies and practice on international trade in fisheries products Traceability & FAD-Free
Marine Policy, Planning and Legal Analysis
11/01/06 - 05/25/07 Global
Refinement and web-enablement of the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels Data and Information Management
Natural Resource Assessment & Management
04/02/07 - 05/11/07 Pacific
MRAG Project Marine Stewardship Council Systems Analysis Data and Information Management 03/01/07 - 03/31/07 Europe
MRAG Project Developing a Regional Agreement for Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Institutional Analysis, Development and Capacity Building 03/01/06 - 03/01/07 Asia
MRAG Project Practical Definitions of Structure and Function to Monitor and Survey the Marine Environment Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance 01/01/07 - 01/07/07 Europe